Ether 12:27 |
What an adventure filled week!
The Russian speakers have an intense passion for volleyball during
gym time. You make your best friends and
enemies during volleyball time. It’s SO
much fun. There have been few times in
my life where I laughed harder than at the MTC.
This week, I learned that if you ever complain about moving, they
will make you move again. I was once
again reminded of how much I packed when a "bat infestation" was
reported in our building. The bat
infestation required that everyone evacuate the building within only a few
hours. Ironically, our new room was
literally the door next to the first room we had. This time, no one is completely unpacking
because we fear they will make us move yet again. We are also all convinced the "bat infestation"
was a conspiracy because the workers have yet to find any bats. It was probably the people we beat in
volleyball trying to get revenge.
But besides all the moving, the MTC is amazing and I've really grown
to love it. It's been a journey, but I've
learned so much. I have met tons of
amazing people from all over the world. The
Spirit here is so strong its like you can touch it! Only one month left until I leave for Ukraine,
crazy! I'm both terrified and excited
all at the same time.
Another enjoyable thing this week was being blessed by having Taco
Bell, Subway, Costa Vida, AND Chick-fila catered!! I think I almost started crying tears of joy. When wondering what was being catered for
dinner, one of my companions decided to tell the whole MTC that Texas Roadhouse
was going to be serving us. That's when
we found our new passion for spreading rumors; its our new favorite thing to
do. Every day we pick a hilarious
(innocent) rumor and stand by people and say, "Did you hear..." and
automatically the people next to us will start talking about it. Shoot me a Dear Elder if you have any good
ones, hehe.
This week I met my mission presidents. They are such amazing people! They have a son who is serving in Denmark who
gets released in August. He flies
straight from Denmark to Ukraine and gets to stay with his parents for six days
and then he flies home. I can only
imagine how hard that is for his mom; it's amazing what people give up to serve
the Lord.
Quote of the week:
"Your only concern should be to do better than we did
yesterday. Step by step is the law of growth. God does not expect the acorn to
be a mighty oak before it has been a sapling."
- George E. Carpenter
One of the characteristics I struggle with the most is patience. But I've learned that when we do our VERY
BEST, then we've done all that we can do. Learning to be successful and developing
personal growth takes a lot of time and a lot of patience. Don't give up, keep moving forward!
Have a wonderful Fourth of July! Enjoy all the parades, family, friends,
fireworks, and freedom, for we are truly blessed.
Cectpa Morris
Ukraine-Dnepropetrovsk Mission
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